In today’s economy, this is an encouraging website for teens, tweens and parents. Encouraging your kids to reach for their goals and dreams. This website has great employment tips for all age of teens up to college kids. I am so amazed at the wealth of ideas for kids and being successful!
Want to Raise Successful, Self-Made, Sharing Millionaire Kids?
Visit: http://www.millionaire-kids.com/index.html
Do your kids think money grows on trees?
Do you worry your kids may end up in debt when they grow up?
And do you want them to become a doctor or lawyer so they’ll make a high salary and live comfortably?
If so, you’re not alone.
Sadly, most kids don’t have a clue how to handle money…and will most likely make costly mistakes…no matter how high their salary is…that will cause them years of struggle and stress.
Sadly, most kids don’t have a clue how to handle money…and will most likely make costly mistakes…no matter how high their salary is…that will cause them years of struggle and stress.
That’s why it’s SO important for you to teach your kids how to develop smart money habits.
So they don’t end up stuck working at a dead end job because they need the money…or working for a boss they hate.
My name is Sonja Mishek and I have a BA in Commercial Economics and have been a tax preparer, a credit analyst, a small business owner, and real estate investor for over 20 some years now.
But more importantly, I’m a proud parent just like you.
And I want the very best for my four kids…Rachel (17), Tony (15), Matthew (13), and Maria (11).
I want my kids to be…
and of course, Financially Secure…
And that’s what this website is all about…tips and techniques on how to teach your kids smart money habits so they can become self-made, self-sufficient, successful millionaires.
Read more on the above link to the website.
Want to Raise Successful, Self-Made, Sharing Millionaire Kids?
Visit: http://www.millionaire-kids.com/index.html
Do your kids think money grows on trees?
Do you worry your kids may end up in debt when they grow up?
And do you want them to become a doctor or lawyer so they’ll make a high salary and live comfortably?
If so, you’re not alone.
Sadly, most kids don’t have a clue how to handle money…and will most likely make costly mistakes…no matter how high their salary is…that will cause them years of struggle and stress.
Sadly, most kids don’t have a clue how to handle money…and will most likely make costly mistakes…no matter how high their salary is…that will cause them years of struggle and stress.
That’s why it’s SO important for you to teach your kids how to develop smart money habits.
So they don’t end up stuck working at a dead end job because they need the money…or working for a boss they hate.
My name is Sonja Mishek and I have a BA in Commercial Economics and have been a tax preparer, a credit analyst, a small business owner, and real estate investor for over 20 some years now.
But more importantly, I’m a proud parent just like you.
And I want the very best for my four kids…Rachel (17), Tony (15), Matthew (13), and Maria (11).
I want my kids to be…
and of course, Financially Secure…
And that’s what this website is all about…tips and techniques on how to teach your kids smart money habits so they can become self-made, self-sufficient, successful millionaires.
Read more on the above link to the website.